How can I check the status of my tax extension?
You should receive an email regarding the status of your extension within a few days of e-filing. If not you can always call our tax office and we will send you a confirmation form.Do I have to file a separate extension for business & personal taxes?
Yes, The IRS requires different extension applications for both personal and business taxes. There are exceptions for certain sole proprietorships and single-member LLCs. If you file a business return on your personal taxes, then you can file a personal income tax extension which will both extend business and personal due dates.
If I owe money to the IRS & file an extension, does that extend my payment due date?
No, that does not extend your due date. You would still owe money to the IRS the deadline of when tax season ends.
How do I file a state extension?
Usually, if you file your federal extension and it is approved, the state will automatically grant you a state extension. But there are some cases where states have specific filing instructions and tax forms are usually available where applicable.
What if I can't pay my tax balance, will the IRS make a payment plan?
Absolutely! The IRS generally works with individuals and businesses who can’t afford to pay their tax liability by payment plans or installment agreements. In order to do that, you would call the IRS directly or by mailing the IRS Form 9465.